Nagoba Electronics Recruitment for Freshers | B.E,B.Tech | TESTING ENGINEER | Bangalore

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Nagoba Electronics
Nagoba Electronics

Nagoba Electronics Recruitment for Freshers | B.E,B.Tech | TESTING ENGINEER | Bangalore

Nagoba Electronics  is looking for the fresher/experienced candidates to work as Software Engineer at Bangalore. Both Graduates and Postgraduates are eligible for this post.

Company Profile  :

We offer a variety of products ranging from Solid State Relays to high technology microprocessor based products bullet All our products are developed in-house by our R& D Department bullet We have a fully equipped manufacturing facility where all our products are manufactured bullet Our products are tested at premier institutes like CPRI, various Electricity boards.

Nagoba Electronics  Careers 2017

(0-0 years) Fresher openings Bangalore :

Job Summary:

Company Name
Nagoba Electronics 
 BE / B.Tech 
Not Disclosed
Job Location

Job Description

  • No. of Job opening  10
  • Functional Area     Production
  • Industry TypeSemiconductors/Electronics
  • Keywords    relays
  • testing of boards, trouble shooting, quality checking

Desired Candidate Profile

Profile Description

  • good communication skill, self motivation, leadership quality, quick planning ability

Under Graduate Qualification

  •  BE / B.Tech (Electrical, Electrical and Electronics, Electronics and Communication, Electronics and Instrumentation) Minimum Marks 50% Graduation after 2016 No Backlogs Accepted

Interested and eligible candidates who wish to join Nagoba Electronics  for TESTING ENGINEER Jobs can apply online by using the following link as soon as possible.

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