CPCL Recruitment 2017 | Junior Engineering/Marketing Assistant | Chennai
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CPCL Recruitment 2017 | Junior Engineering/Marketing Assistant | Across India
CPCL is looking for the fresher/experienced candidates to work as Junior Engineering/Marketing Assistant at Chennai. Both Graduates and Postgraduates are eligible for this post.
Company Profile :
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), formerly known as Madras Refineries Limited (MRL) was formed as a joint venture in 1965 between the Government of India (GOI), AMOCO and National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) having a share holding in the ratio 74%: 13%: 13% respectively. Originally ,CPCL Refinery was set up with an installed capacity of 2.5 Million Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) in a record time of 27 months at a cost of Rs. 43 crore without any time or cost over run.
In 1985, AMOCO disinvested in favour of GOI and the shareholding percentage of GOI and NIOC stood revised at 84.62% and 15.38% respectively. Later GOI disinvested 16.92% of the paid up capital in favor of Unit Trust of India, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies and Banks on 19 th May 1992, thereby reducing its holding to 67.7 %. The public issue of CPCL shares at a premium of Rs. 70 (Rs. 90 to FIIs) in 1994 was over subscribed to an extent of 38 times and added a large shareholder base.
Chennai Petroleum Corporation Limited (CPCL), formerly known as Madras Refineries Limited (MRL) was formed as a joint venture in 1965 between the Government of India (GOI), AMOCO and National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) having a share holding in the ratio 74%: 13%: 13% respectively. Originally ,CPCL Refinery was set up with an installed capacity of 2.5 Million Tonnes Per Annum (MMTPA) in a record time of 27 months at a cost of Rs. 43 crore without any time or cost over run.
In 1985, AMOCO disinvested in favour of GOI and the shareholding percentage of GOI and NIOC stood revised at 84.62% and 15.38% respectively. Later GOI disinvested 16.92% of the paid up capital in favor of Unit Trust of India, Mutual Funds, Insurance Companies and Banks on 19 th May 1992, thereby reducing its holding to 67.7 %. The public issue of CPCL shares at a premium of Rs. 70 (Rs. 90 to FIIs) in 1994 was over subscribed to an extent of 38 times and added a large shareholder base.
CPCL Careers 2017
(0-0 years) Fresher openings Chennai :
Job Summary:
Company Name
Junior Engineering/Marketing Assistant
Not Disclosed
Job Location
Detailed Eligibility
Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Production) – Trainee
- First Class Diploma in Chemical / Petroleum / Petro-Chemical Engg. /Technology (or) a graduation in B.Sc. with Chemistry as a major subject with 60% and above mark in aggregate of all Semesters / Years. SC/ST candidates need to score a minimum 55%.
Jr. Quality Control Analyst -IV (Quality Control) – Trainee
- First Class Diploma in Chemical / Petroleum / Petro-Chemical Engg. /Technology (or) a graduation in B.Sc. with Chemistry as a major subject with 60% and above mark in aggregate of all Semesters / Years. SC/ST candidates need to score a minimum 55%.
Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Electrical) – Trainee
- First Class Diploma in Electrical / Electrical & Electronics Engineering with 60% and above mark in aggregate of all Semesters / Years.
Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV (Instrumentation) – Trainee
- First Class Diploma in Instrumentation / Instrumentation & Control / Electronics & Instrumentation / Electronics & Communications Engineering with 60% and above mark in aggregate of all Semesters / Years. SC/ST candidates need to score a minimum 55%.
Jr. Engineering Assistant-IV(Mechanical/P&U-Mechanical) – Trainee
- First Class Diploma in Mechanical Engineering with 60% and above mark in aggregate of all Semesters / Years. SC/ST candidates need to score a minimum 55%.
Jr. Technical Assistant-IV (Fire & Safety) – Trainee
- 10th pass with minimum 50% marks from a Board or an Institute recognized by State / Central Govt. Candidates must possess Fireman’s Certificate Course of not less than
- three months duration from a Board or an Institute recognized by the State / Central Govt.
- Candidate must possess valid Heavy Motor Vehicle Driving License.
Hindi Translator – IV – (Trainee)
Master’s Degree in Hindi of recognized University with English as a compulsory subject or as medium of examination at Degree level. or
Master’s Degree in English of recognized University with Hindi as a compulsory subject or as medium of examination at Degree level.
Jr. Account Assistant (Finance) – Trainee
First Class Bachelor’s / Master’s Degree in Commerce with 60% and above mark in aggregate of all Semesters / Years. SC/ST candidates need to score a minimum 55%.
Computer Literacy: Operating and working knowledge in computer systems is mandatory i.e. candidates should have Certificate/Diploma/Degree in computer operations/Language or should have studied Computer / Information Technology as one of the subjects in the High School/College/Institute.
Jr. Office Assistant (HR) – Trainee
First Class Bachelor’s Degree with 60% and above mark in aggregate of all Semesters / Years. SC/ST candidates need to score a minimum 55%.
Computer Literacy: Operating and working knowledge in computer systems is mandatory i.e. candidates should have Certificate/ Diploma/Degree in computer operations/Language or should have studied Computer / Information Technology as one of the subjects in the High School/College/Institute.
Age Limit: 27 years as on 31.05.2017.Age Relaxation for SC/ST/OBC Candidates: 5 years for SC/ST candidates, 3 years for OBC candidates
Important Dates:
- Opening of online application:03.05.2017
- Closing of online application:31.05.2017
- Deposit of payment by Challan:31.05.2017
- Receipt of hard copies of the documents:06.06.2017
Interested and eligible candidates who wish to join CPCL for Junior Engineering/Marketing Assistant Jobs can apply online by using the following link as soon as possible.
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