WAPCOS Recruitment 2017 | Engineer Trainee | B.E.,B.Tech,M.E,M.Tech,MBA | Across India

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WAPCOS Recruitment 2017 | Engineer Trainee | B.E.,B.Tech,M.E,M.Tech,MBA | Across India

WAPCOS is looking for the fresher/experienced candidates to work as Trainee across India. Both Graduates and Postgraduates are eligible for this post.

Company Profile  :

WAPCOS believes that the strength and success of the organisation lies in its people. In the engineering consultancy business, people are not just the key assets, but also the key differentiators. The company, therefore, goes to great lengths to provide the best possible work environment, opportunities for growth and development, and the encouragement and motivation to grow and perform to the highest possible levels.

WAPCOS Careers 2017

(0-3 years) Fresher openings across India :

Detailed Eligibility:
Engineer Trainee (Electronics & Communication)-2 Posts
·         Full-time Bachelor’s Degree in E&C with minimum 65% of Marks. Desirable-M. Tech. in embedded systems and VLSI Design with minimum 65% of Marks.
Engineer Trainee (Civil Engineering)-1 Post
·         Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering with minimum 50% of Marks.M. Tech. with minimum 75% of marks in: a) Structural and Natural Disaster Management or b) Transportation Engineer
Engineer Trainee (Civil Engineering)-1 Post
·         Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering with minimum 60% of Marks.
Engineer Trainee (Mechanical Engineering)-1 Post
·         Bachelor’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 55% of Marks Desirable-MBA/M.E/M.Tech with minimum 70% of marks.
Engineer Trainee (Electrical & Electronics Engineering)-1 Post
·         Bachelor’s Degree in Electrical and Electronics Engineering with minimum 60% of Marks. M. Tech. Degree with minimum 60% of marks in: a) Power Electronics/Power Systems .
Age Limit: Maximum age limit is 30 Years as on 01/09/2017, candidates born before
01/09/1987 need not apply
Application Fees:
₹1000/- in case of General/OBC candidates.
₹500/- in case of SC/ST/PWBMD category and Female candidates.
WAPCOS Recruitment 2017 Selection Process:
The selection process will be consisting of following:
·         Written Test (Multiple choice questions/objective type questions).
·         On the basis of performance in written test, shortlisted candidates will be called for
group discussion.
·         On the basis of performance in written test and group discussion, shortlisted
candidates will be called for interview before selection committee.
·         Management reserves the right to fix the criteria to restrict the number of candidates
to be called for interview
·         Those who are working in Govt. Departments/PSU/Autonomous bodies are
required to apply through proper channel or produce no objection certificate at the
time of interview.
How to apply WAPCOS Recruitment?

Interested candidates fulfilling the eligibility criteria may send their CV in the prescribed proforma in an envelope Super scribing the name of post applied for within 15 days from the date of advertisement to: following postal address.The last date for receipt of application is 11.09.2017
Postal Address:

Regional Manager (CR)
House No. B-23, Shahpura Trilanga Road
Near Shahpura Gate No. 8,
Bhopal – 462039 (M.P)
More Details : 

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