TCS Interview Questions for Freshers
Software Jobs
TCS Hiring Process
TCS Interview Questions for Freshers
TCS Placement Papers
TCS Recent Interview Questions
TCS Selection Process

TCS Interview Process :
1.Aptitude Round+Email Writing :
Total 20 ques from aptitude and You can prepare for that from campusgate.
Below mentioned majot topics-
b.Profit loss
d.Time and work
e.Time and speed
Email Writing-
Its very imp section and also its rejection of job-seeker process and you have mostly 10-15 mint and write the email either 150-250 character
Note-If you cleared aptitude with better score but not cleared Email Writing Round then you will be not able to proceed further
2.Technical Round :
Mostly asked basic programs and coding related ques which you mentioned in Resume.So be prepare for that.Also be remember interviewer ask all point and ques which you put in
3.Managerial Round :
In this round mostly again sometimes ask the technical ques and Full description about your project work.Major ques ask-
a.What was your role in project?
b.Which lang you used?
c.Some puzzle type ques.
d.What was you did in project?
4.HR Round :
In this round tehy asked very simple ques-
a.Tell me about yourself?
b.What are your strengths and weaknesses?
c.Why TCS?
d.Tell me something about yourself which is not there in your resume / CV?
e.Can you work under pressure? or How do you handle pressure at work?
f.Why should I hire you?
g.Do you prefer to work independently or on a team?
Note :
If any doubt or query then comment here.
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