GLASSBEAM Career Recruitment 2017 for Freshers | Solution Engineer | Bangalore

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GLASSBEAM  Career Recruitment 2017 for Freshers | Solution Engineer | Bangalore

GLASSBEAM is looking for the fresher/experienced candidates to work as Solution Engineer at Bangalore . Both Graduates and Postgraduates are eligible for this post.

Company Profile  :

Glassbeam’s founding team had come from diverse and experienced backgrounds—from working with leading storage networking companies such as NetApp and Brocade to uncovering the untapped potential of call-home and phone-home log data. The team firmly believed that any high technology machine, system, or device—whether located in a data center or in the field, such as storage, servers, MRI, CT Scan, CNC machines, and industrial robots—would become increasingly connected to their manufacturer's home base. These complex logs, if parsed and analyzed effectively, would have immense business and operational value for support, services, engineering, sales, and marketing groups of organizations.

GLASSBEAM Careers 2017

(0-1 years) Fresher openings Bangalore :

Company Name
Solution Engineer
 Not Disclosed
Job Location

Skills (Must have):

  • Software Engineering (Any programming language) – Ability to think logically, solve a given problem using any programming language you are comfortable. You will learn SPL as part of the training and you will also self-learn SCALA.
  • Strong communication skills – Ability and interest to interface with clients, internal teams, understand requirements, communicate verbally and orally.
  • Attitude – Attitude to work in a start-up. Attitude to learn quickly. Attitude to take ownership and drive initiatives. Interest to wear multiple hats, grow technically, improve customer facing skills and the zeal to build a solution using Glassbeam’s platform, that solves customer pain points

Skills (Plus points):

  • Domain knowledge – Any courses taken on networking, storage, medical devices will be a plus
  • Knowledge of SQL
  • Knowledge of regular expressions (Java/Perl)

Job description:

  • As a solution Engineer, you will understand our customer’s domain, their product architecture, log file specifics and their requirement for machine data analytics. You will then use the Glassbeam’s SCALAR platform to structure the data from the machine logs. You will also be responsible to build custom dashboards, analytics and supporting software to ensure a successful solution for our customers. 
  • To accomplish this, you will use Glassbeam’s proprietary language SPL and a reporting framework for analytics. Optionally in many cases, you will also use SCALA to extend the capability of the product to parse unsupported formats. You will own the solution end to end from requirement gathering to solution delivery.
  • If you are interested in striking a fine balance between technical skills, customer facing skills and solution engineering, then this will be the perfect role for you. Being part of a start-up, you will quickly learn the key values must for any professional- ownership, never-say-die attitude, wearing multiple hats and the exciting opportunity of make a big difference!

How to Apply GLASSBEAM Recruitment Drive :

Interested and eligible candidates who wish to join GLASSBEAM for Solution Engineer Jobs can apply online by using the following link as soon as possible. 

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